- load, assembly, pack
- LAP, load, assembly, packпогрузка, сборка, упаковка
English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines. общая редакция - Полюхин В.М.. 2015.
English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines. общая редакция - Полюхин В.М.. 2015.
Pack — (p[a^]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Packed} (p[a^]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Packing}.] [Akin to D. pakken, G. packen, Dan. pakke, Sw. packa, Icel. pakka. See {Pack}, n.] 1. To make a pack of; to arrange closely and securely in a pack; hence, to place and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pack — I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English, of Low German or Dutch origin; akin to Middle Low German & Middle Dutch pak pack Date: 13th century 1. a. a bundle arranged for convenience in carrying especially on the back b. a group… … New Collegiate Dictionary
pack — 1. noun 1) a pack of cigarettes Syn: packet, container, package, box, carton, parcel 2) with a pack on his back Syn: backpack, knapsack, rucksack, day pack, kit bag, bag … Thesaurus of popular words
pack — Synonyms and related words: a mass of, a world of, abound with, accumulation, ace, adulterate, age group, amassment, amount, army, assemblage, assembly, backing, backpack, bag, baggage, bale, band, bar, barrel, barricade, basket, batch, battalion … Moby Thesaurus
pack — 1. noun 1) a pack of cigarettes Syn: packet, container, package, box, carton, parcel 2) a pack of wolves Syn: group, herd, troop 3) a pack of hooligan … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
pack — n 1. bundle, package, bale, parcel, packet; sack, load, gear; rucksack, knapsack, backpack, haversack, packsack, Sl. bindle, Australian Sl. swag, kit, kit bag; bag, duffel bag, suitcase, overnighter, valise, grip. 2. collection, assemblage,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Personal Load Carrying Equipment — (PLCE) is the current tactical webbing system of the British Army. It consists of a belt, yoke (shoulder harness) and a number of pouches. Associated with PLCE webbing is a series of other similar load carrying equipment and rucksacks (See… … Wikipedia
crowd — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. gathering, concourse, horde, press, mass, gang, mob, multitude; host, herd, swarm, rout, crush, throng; informal, set, coterie, clique; populace, rabble, hoi polloi. See assemblage. II (Roget s IV) n … English dictionary for students
crowd — n 1. throng, horde, concentration, mass, concourse, confluence, conflux, covergence; herd, pack, swarm, flock, drove, bevy, shoal; congestion, jam, press, crush, rush, flood, deluge, Inf. mob scene. 2. assemblage, collection, amassment,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Joliet Army Ammunition Plant — formerly known as the Joliet Arsenal was a United States Army arsenal located in Will County, Illinois, near Elwood, Illinois, south of Joliet, Illinois. Opened in 1940 during World War II, the facility consisted of the Elwood Ordnance Plant and… … Wikipedia
Packaging and labelling — Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging also refers to the process of design, evaluation, and production of packages. Package labelling (BrE) or labeling … Wikipedia